Quote of the week.

~What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

~ (I don't know)

With a little help from....

as well as.....

Who am i?

My photo
I'm a wife and a mother of 4. I began my 'journey' at 149+ kilos. 8 weeks ago i finally broke the magical barrier of 130 that had confounded me for so long and weighed in at 129.2. Stupid me though, i self sabotaged again and let family issues close me off to the world and i am now 134.6 again and rareing to do anything it takes to get back into new territory.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 2 in blogland.

Well i'm feeling very positive about how i am progressing and I hope this feeling sticks around for a while. I'm having fun experimenting with my page. It's like moving furniture around without the effort.

There's 2 more days till weigh in and i'm not sure how i'll go. I wasn't fully 'into it' over the weekend and what with the heat i feel very fluidy. I need to make sure that whatever happens i don't let it ruin my next week, and to not dwell on it and let it ruin the next 2 days. After all.....who knows.


P.S Re; Inspiration section
Don't pay attention to my inspirational posts at the moment. I'm bookmarking any site that looks interesting and plan on thoroughly checking them out over the next week.

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